High School Girls Soccer
High School Girls Golf
Head Coach Nate Shremshock
Head Coach Emily Mildner
High School Girls Volleyball
Head Coach Heather Lamb
Fall Sports
Aktivate (formerly RMA) is now open for the 2024-2025 school year!
Make sure you select the year 2024-25. Physicals are now required every year on the new NIAA forms.
Create your basic account on AKTIVATE (formerly RMA- Register My Athlete) that will stay with the student throughout their high school career. Go to www.Aktivate.com, login and select "create account", then select the sport(s) you want to participate in for 2024-25
Aktivate's customer service number is 435-213-1601 Monday-Friday 8:00-3:00.
High School Girls and Boys
Cross Country
Head Coach Paul Ryan
High School Co-ed Cheer
Head Coach Katie Baumruck
Middle School Girls Basketball
Head Coach Shaunna Ridge
Middle School Boys Basketball
Head Coach Kelly Willson
Assistant Coach Tim Parsons
Middle School Boys and Girls
Cross Country
Head Coach Paul Ryan
Sports offered if interest -
High School Soccer - Boys
High School Football - Boys
High School Tennis - Girls and Boys