PBIS Expectation Matrix
Below is our school's behavior expectation matrix. Each classroom has their own matrix.
George Whittell High School is implementing Tier I of PBIS this school year. Whittell Warriors will learn and practice Respect, Responsibility, and Integrity school-wide. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of our school. PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.
Staff will continue to participate in creating each element of the framework of PBIS. PBIS DOES NOT replace GWHS’s Progressive Discipline Policy, though it should help to clarify it and improve the climate and culture of Whittell. Therefore, as we progress throughout the school year, this document will reflect the changes based on the PBIS framework. For more information, please visit the PBIS website for more information.